{♥} benzaclin?
yesterday, my doctor prescribed me this..Buuuut I've been hearing && reading bad things about this tablets. I want to know if anyone has used it && has it worked? My doctor said to use it 2wice daily and I have doomed to failure scars left over from my acne. What soap should I use with this?? Is Dove or Olay okay? Also, what...
Does someone know how to mix benzaclin topical gel surrounded by a vial next to purified hose down? Helpppp pls. :)?
- I am a Pharmacy Technician. How To: Tap vial gently until powder flows freely. Water should be at room temperature prior to adding to the vial. Add 10 mL of purified water (ie, distilled water)...
Really really dry skin because of benzaclin?
i MUST get rid of my acne before i stop using benzaclin and it is causing really really very dry skin around my lip and chin nouns, any suggestions (i have ALREADY used moisturizer... not helping.) (and exfoliating just causes irritation) I CANT STAND THIS ANY LONGER! - have you tried using the Wave (vibrating facial...
Should i keep hold of using benzaclin on my skin for acne?
Most of my acne is gone, i have maybe 2 or 3 little pimples, should i continue using benzaclin and stievamycin? Or should i just use those as a spot treatment presently. All i have left are the red marks under my skin gone by the acne. yes i think u...
Should panoxl facial cleanser be used surrounded by combination next to the medication benzaclin for acne?
- Panoxyl facial cleanser is a benzoyl peroxide containing cleanser. Benzoyl peroxide is excellent for the treatment of acne. Benzaclin gel is actually a combination of benzoyl peroxide and a topical antibiotic (clindacmycin). This too is a great medication for the treatment of acne. ...
Stop itching/burning/dryness from BenzaClin?
i used benzaclin almost a year ago and it worked great and my face was hardly sensitive to it at all, and i have no problems. for some reason i stopped using it for a long time and now have recently picked it up again because my acne have gotten really bad. i had a really bad reaction to it, it...
Tretinoin and benzaclin?
Hey so basically I have had acne for about 5 years presently, started out mild and got progressively worse. I originally tried benzaclin and Retin a micro almost 2 years back, but stopped after only like a week because of the severe dryness. I consequently did this thing called Acne Free an over the counter similar to ProActiv, which was a affective...
Ever used Retin A or benzaclin?? i necessitate some help out.?
if so how did you use it im a little confuse. I put on Retin A at night and b4 i put it i put on a moisturizer bcuz i heard it dries out ur skin. and i use Benzaclin contained by the morning but idk when to put my moisturizer i heard...
What should i clear up my frontage next to after im done beside benzaclin?
- You shouldn't. 1] wash your face 2] apply Benzaclin to clean face 3] next wash hands so you don't ingest [ eat ] any ofthe medication. Source(s): RN
Will my pimples come pay for if i use benzaclin?
I've been reading up on it since my doc wrote me a prescription for it.and some of the people said that their acne came back after some time. Is within any truth to this? - i have used it for a year now and it has not came spinal column.it works really...
Can I lift benzaclin on the ship a plane?
I also have doxycyclin and an epipen. Will I be able to get these through security? Do I simply need the prescriptions? I can bring them in any size containers, right? - Epi-pens are specifically permitted according to the TSA rules - no problems there. All prescribed medication and over...
Should i dust past its sell-by date benzaclin ofter i applied it on my frontage?
when i applied benzalin on my face should i wash it the same tine like am using a soap to clear up my face I use benzaclin as well. I don't wash it off of my frontage afterwards and it doesn't hurt me. I am not sure if you are...
Has anyone ever used Benzaclin or Retin A?
how exactly did u apply it ? did it work? ive been using it for 2 weeks retin a at night n benzaclin morning, cetaphil cleanser and aveeno moisturizer, it was burning and peeling,dry the first week but clear, and this week im braking out resembling crazy and it no longer burns until i got home school...
How do you apply Benzaclin gel??minister to plz im desperate!?
i was wondering how do you apply it . im using retin A at night and benzaclin in the morning but i was wondering do i apply it adjectives over my face or just on top of every pimple,, i have mosty blackheads but retin take care of that. - you apply the...
I am using benzaclin for acne. If I use a self tanner near benzaclin, will they work against respectively other?
- This drug has various names. These are contraindications and cautions for use of benzaclin: hypersensitive to drug/class/compon. ulcerative colitis regional enteritis abx-associated colitis hx avoid sun exposure other medication. tell your doctor and pharmacist what prescription...
I requirement give support to!! plz . how do you apply benzaclin gel w- a moisturizer?
i just started using this 2 days ago.b im also using retin A at night for black heads, before i put it on i put on an aveeno moisturizer and keep on 30 mins until is dry then i apply the retin. in the morning i apply benzaclin but...
Is it ok if i use neutrogena to hose my facade next apply benzaclin?
Is it ok if i use neutrogena oil-free to wash my face then apply benzaclin? neutrogena alone worked before but consequently my acne started coming back. then i got benzaclin, used it alone but my acne was still in that.. i tried washing my face with the dove soap then...
Minocylin and benzaclin how long to work?
ive been taking minocylin 100mg morning and night everyday for 5 weeks, along with benzaclin day/night 5 weeks. how long does it take to clear up acne and does it in fact work i have not seen any improvements still! - dear i am a doc so listen.i dont know y your doc chosed minocycline it...
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