Saturday, December 5, 2009

Vyvanse FAQ

ADHD Question ! Do you know anything almost the med Vyvanse?
I'm not sure how many 12hr doses there are, but my newphew is on one that causes lots of side effects. He is always sleepy, due to the certainty that his just cannot fall alseep at night. It also took the desire for foods much that he does not even want candy or...

My girlfriend is a drug abuser.?
shes perfect in every way, except drug abuse. nought heavy, just a lot of pot, acid, Vyvanse, and a great deal more. ive explained to her that i really dont like it when she does drugs, and she understands and wants to quit. but we dont know how to. no money or time for any rehab or anything..

My parents own forced me to give somebody a lift vyvanse the adhd proactive drug. How can i not loose consignment?
I really dont want to loose weight what can i do? - I have the same problem. I take Vyvanse and my appetite is suppressed while on it. What I do immediately is just force myself to eat even when I am...

My son be taking Vyvanse for his ADHD, the insurance company won't payment for it...What is a fitting ADHD med?
I have heard Stattera is good. But I have also hear it stunts their growth and may give them suicidal tendences. We started my son on Adderall XR and I was happy with the results, only side effect, my son didn't readily want...

My son is 5 and a partly will not swallow the Concerta. He be on Vyvanse but our insurance doesn't take-home pay for it.?
Any suggestions? You need to make the consequence of not taking the medication serious enough that he knows you niggardly business. No TV, early to bed 30 minutes more each day that he doesn't take it, etc. Children should...

Question About Vyvanse?
I just started Vyvanse for my ADHD, and I know that you lose some weight while taking it, I need to know around how much I'm going to be losing so that I don't end up underweight. Vyvanse the drug does not motivation weight lose. Vyvanse has a side effect of loss of appetite that people typically experience. There is no specific...

Question concerning side effects: Vyvanse and Lamictal?
I started Lamictal 25mg about three months ago, Vyvanse 20mg about one month ago. Originally, I was supposed to be on 50mg of Lamictal, but after three days of no sleep, I went pay for to 25. Since starting the Vyvanse, my appetite has basically gone out the window, and I don't start getting tired until about 7AM.

Question to those who mix or hold mixed Vyvanse (or adderol) beside alcohol?
I am now on my second day of vyvanse and the results have been fantastic though I do enjoy a question regarding mixing it with alcohol. When I search forums most those on vyvanse have said that when there on it they just dont want to drink, and thats cool. ...

Should i increase my dosage of vyvanse?
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and was prescribed Vyvanse, it have helped with keeping me focused and has improved my short occupancy memory (due to better focusing on detail), and I am happy with the results, however, it only lasts for the first module of the day, I usually take it at 8 am, and by 3...

Uhhh Vyvanse stopped working and they put me on focalin eww ;(, is in that anything else out at hand?
Okay so Vyvanse decided to just stop working, so my doctor put me on focalin XR and so far I feel like a zombie. Is here other medications out their that are better. What about risperdal? I heard that using ani-physocits is controversal but can...

Vyvanse & low libido?
Ever since I stared up vyvanse i dont really have a sex drive anymore.. and when i do it lasts only like 3 minutes. Does this come to pass to you too? Any tips? I am a 14 yr old girl. - The first thing you need to do is figure out why your sex drive is low and...

Vyvanse (A.D.D. medicine) + Alcohol?
when can i drink again, and how much can i drink? right now its 1157 pm and i last took it yesterday at 630 am (it wears off after more or less 12 hours) - Vyvanse is lisdexamphetamine. Amphetamine is related to methamphetamine with the exception of a methyl group in the chemical. Amphetamines mask the depressent...

Vyvanse (ADD medicine) and pregnancy?
I take prescription vyvanse every few days for my attention deficit disorder but I just found out i am pregnant. I know this medication's effect on pregnancy has not thoroughly been tested and could be noxious to the baby. I have since stopped using the medication but f (I am postulating) implantation has just not long occurred, could a few...

Vyvanse 2nd trial/error supply meds?
wow, i have been experiencing those stomach issues as well, then i go to the doc and they said i had a prostate infection, now i did have a urine infection weeks before starting vyvanse, could own never fully cleared up. But stimulants make prostates infections worse i was told. so i stopped the vyvanse and took cipro 500mg,...

Vyvanse 30 mg and klonopin? short remaining. back?
Ok i decided to man up and talk with a doctor about issues i own i just prefer not to discuss. So i have been prescribed vyvanse 30 mg in the morning and klonopin at darkness, i dont know hwy at night. but the vyvanse 30mg is amazing it makes me focus so well and create all...

Vyvanse and alcohol together? 10 points!!?
i took 50 mg of my ADD medicine yesterday and i good to drink, or not if not, when can i drink? can i drink if i took it earlier that hours of daylight? cited info or ANYTHING would be helpful. thank you ! please ask your doctor or pharmacist any prescription medication MAY have very severe...

Vyvanse and excercise?
I've been taking Vyvanse as prescribed by my doctor, and its wonderful. However when I excercise for long periods of time I notice that my heart rate goes up more than previously and I tend to sweat more. A) Is this normal B) Is this safe? How much is too much? I'd rather not drop dead from a...

Vyvanse and Ritalin together?
I currently take 70mg Vyvanse daily. Yesterday my Dr prescribed me 10mg Ritalin to be taken twice a day. Once in the morning (together next to the Vyvanse) as a booster and the same in the pm. She did this because i told her it takes quite a bit for the Vyvanse to hold effect. Does this...

Vyvanse and Seroquel XR?
Hello, i have been taking Vyvanse for about 6 months now. 50 mg's at around 5 am, i fall down back asleep and i am automatically awake usually a bit under an hour. But recently i was prescribed 200 mg's Seroquel XR, so i run it every night around 9 and im knocked out hard at about 10. but when i...

Vyvanse Effectiveness?
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and my psychiatrist put me on 30mg of Vyvanse. She is a huge supporter of the drug, and so she felt it would be the best route for me. The first two days I experienced a lot of side effects, but nothing worrying. I could feel the medication working and I was competent to...

Vyvanse for ADHD within children?
Has anyone had any experience with this medication? We're not getting the results in our 7 year old from Adderall 25mg XR, and hold been told to consider Vyvanse as an alternative. Any information at all would be awesome. Thanks in advance! Vyvanse didn't worked for my kid...of late keep using adderall. It's best. Source(s):

Vyvanse for Adult ADHD?
Is anyone here taking Vyvanse? How do you feel it works for you? I've just been diagnosed with ADHD - I'm 23, and my doctor prescribed 50mg Vyvanse. I be able to focus better than I ever have before for the first few days... Today has be strange, though - my heart feels like it's racing and my chest...

Vyvanse grill? i want to transport it twice a light of day?
ok i have taken vyvanse 30 mg for nine months. i have continuously noticed the fact that it is starting to wear rotten earlier than it should. It normally only lasts for nearly 5 hours rather than twelve. i cannot go to my doctor until next month and that is why im asking;...

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