Sunday, October 25, 2009

Enbrel FAQ

Does enbrel rationale cancer?
- Yes it can Malignancies.-RA patients, particularly those with highly active RA, may be at high risk for lymphoma (a type of cancer). There have been rare reports of lymphoma in patients taking ENBREL(R) or other TNF blockers, occurring more repeatedly than expected for people in general. The role of ENBREL(R) in the nouns of cancer is not known.

Does enbrel work on sarcoidosis patiets?
Hi, The only thing that I have found to control my sarcoidosis is concentrated transfer factor next to nothing else in it.My flair ups are seldom, as long as I get proper rest. When I do have a flair up, I run a couple more of the capsules and it goes away within 24 hours usually.I thank God every...

Should i buy enbrel for my psoriasis, if so where on earth can i acquire it? backing please!?
okay, I'm 14 years old, and I got psoriasis when I was 10 so I've been next to it for 4 years. I've tried everything, and it works but not completely. Now I'm using this lotion MG217 and it's doing fine on me, just "Fine" but it...

Enbrel and Fibromyalgia?
I have a suspicion that using enbrel brought my fibromyalgia on. I also know of some friends who got fibromyalgia after using enbrel. I was wondering if anyone else was diagnosed next to fibromyalgia after or during their use of enbrel. - I've never heard of anyone developing fibromyalgia after using Enbrel. I just had to respond to the disinformation...

Enbrel and Menstrual Periods?
I have been taking enbrel prefilled syringe (50mg).. So far I have been taking it for 2 weeks (once a week). After I took my first shot i started my mentrual and I enjoy been on it for 10 days know. I have been medium to flimsy everyday. I was wondering if this is something to be concerned about or is...

Could my JRA (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) or enbrel injections be cause my excessive perspiration?
ive noticed for the past 6 months to a year that i sweat way more than normal. its not of late a glisten here and there- i mean dripping wet. especially when i exercise. even if its not rigorous movement, like slow walking, i get drenched. im also hot adjectives the...

For citizens who pinch shots of enbrel, how long have it took to show?
for people who take shots of enbrel, how long has it took to show any signs of it helping, if any. have you have any side effects, any suggestions? - hi there i know of people that use to take enbrel it did some well great...

Has any one be on or is on Enbrel, have any problems next to it?
- My mum had psoriatic arthritis, annd used enbrel. Enbrel comes in the form of a shot, and depending on how you ask for it, either comes in the form of two pre-filled syringes that must be injected 2 times per week, or one voluminous pre-filled syringe that is...

Has anyone be on the med. enbrel for any motivation?
I am about to enbark on the med.. enbrel and was wandering if any one else has every been on it.. and if within was anything I should know or watch out for... - a really great drug if and when used appropriately, if you have history of exposure to tuberculosis, your doctor...

Has anyone tried enbrel for AS and found it NOT to work ?
Please see the webpages for more details on Etanercept (generic name) Enbrel (brand name). Source(s):鈥?

Has anyone tried enbrel for psoriasis?
and if so what are the side effects and does it really work? - Etanercept is a recombinant human soluble tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF伪) receptor. It is is a small protein, with a molecular weight of 75 kDa (p75), that binds to TNF伪 and decreases its role in inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,...

How much Mercury is within enbrel?
- none read the PDF file which lists ingredients and neither mercury or thimerosol is listed as an ingredient.鈥? In this day and age it would be impressively foolish for a drug compnay to spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing and getting a new drug to market and then to also...

I am on enbrel methotrexate and cramp pills for arthritis will it work?
just the methotrexate dont work so the doc put me on enbell too it can take up to 3 month to work . i will be on my 3rd month in 3 days iam not feeling adjectives that better what else is there to help??(i have rhuematoid arthritis) - I...

I enjoy taken enbrel injections and methotrexate for several years. Are in attendance adverse long-term effects?
I have psoriatic arthritis. The meds control the psoriasis but not the arthritis very well. I often wonder if taking these meds is worth adjectives effects. Most of the time I feel fatigued and very sore. I also take 4 high blood pressure meds. I...

Anyone hold problems beside enbrel speedy click?
- No do you. I think there allot better than the prefills they use to have. What kind of problems do enjoy? All I do is clean the area, place the needle to my leg and click the purple cap and away it go. When the second click hits I stop. It burns alittle, but nothing...

I'm taking plaquinil, methotrexate, and enbrel and still have rheumatoid flares so wager on on prednisone. any s
I', a 67 yr female and have also been on antibiotic therapy for 11 years. I thought the enbrel would do the trick, but still have flares. Is this normal - I'm 21 almost 22 and have been on plaquinil for the last ten...

Is enbrel available surrounded by thailand except where on earth within asia?
there is a drug store in Bangkok on suksawat near the testco lotut that has anything you have need of and it has the lowest prices i have found. the place is jammed with people so you know it's devout. Source(s): me

Is Enbrel or its alternate available within Karachi?If yes how much does it cost?
- I would recommend getting in touch with the manufacturer of Enbrel. You can contact them by going to: On the site look for a section that may hold a listing of countries in a drop box. If your country is not listed look...

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